The Moon in the Signs
By far the most important use for astrology in the middle ages was its application to medical matters. Astrological texts of these subjects abound. Usually very simple and straightforward, my latest offering is a good example of this. It was written in English around 1464 and the manuscript has suffered some wear and tear which you will see from the number of illegible words (shown as [...]). Although fairly repetitive, there are a number of interesting points, like Scorpio as a serpent and Capricorn as a goat in a 'whelk's horn', and the differentiation between the Moon in the beginning and end of a sign.
You'll find the modernized version at the end and I hope you find something of interest here - it took a while to transcribe!
MS 41 ff. 15r – 16r
Aries ys the signe of a Ram, whiche rayneth in the hed of
enny man and woman and therefore whan the mone ys in that signe be ware of
achynge in the hed, or in the face or of opinnynge of eny vayne that longyth to
the hed. Also yt ys full parlious in the begynninge of Aries to take ony
hedache it ys token of longe endurynge or depe It is not so parlious in the
ende as in the begynnyge. ffor it ys a move able signe. Oryental hote and drye
fiery Colerike of Complexion Than take no medicyne for the hede ne receyve non
for the hed inwards for of nature they shul caste them ayen. And so yt faryth
of all tho that kowen hyr cud As aries Taurus Capricornus and the laste parte
of Sagittarius.
Taurus is a signe of the bole whiche raynethe in the necke
and in the throte of enny man and woman whan the mone ys in that signe be ware
of venturynge than yt ys parlious to take sikenes in the necke and in the
throte. And more parlious in the ende than in the begynnynge this ys a stedfast
signe in the southe parte colde and drye erthely and femynyne in kynde that ys
malyncoly of complexion than yt ys tyme to sowe sedys yf that be suche tyme of
the yere.
Geminyniis is a signe of the twynnes the signe rayneth in the
armes and handes of enny man and woman. This signe ys occidental that ys of the
weste parte and of sangueyne complexion. Hote and moyste after the kynde of
eyre. Whan the mone ys in that signe than be ware of cuttynge in the shuldres
armes or hands or opinnynge of any Vaynes in tho places. And who that taketh
ony sikenes in tho placyes yt ys hard to askape thys ys more parlious in the
ende than in the bygynnynge.
Cancer ys the signe of a crab. whiche raynethe in the brest
of enny man and woman. Whan the mone is in that signe be ware of cuttynge in
the breste and in the sides of the stomake. and of […] as the mylte hert lyver
and the galle. Who so taketh sikenes while the mone ys in that signe yt ys
mervelle but he die for yt ys right parlious in the bygynnynge and in the ende.
yt ys a signe of the Northe partie colde and moiste after the kynde of water
and yt ys the house of the mone And therefore make in that partie no mancions.
Leo ys the signe of a lyon whiche raynethe in the back of eny
man and woman in the sides and sinewes […] and gristels be ware whan the mone ys
in that signe of venturynge for yt ys then right parlious and more of perel in
the ende than the begynnynge yt ys a stedfaste signe Oriental hote and drie
Colerike firy and masculyne yt ys not good whan the mone ys in that signe to
take medicyns for the herte the lyver ne stomake ne non of the entrayles.
Virgo ys the signe of a mayde Whiche raynethe in the Wombe
myddreff and guttes and others While in the stomake lyver and gal with the mylte
but mooste principally yt raynethe in the places be nethe the myddreff be ware
than of cuttynge in the bely or in the prive menbres inward also it ys not so
parlious in the ende but rather a token of helthe this signe is dowble Bodied.
meridionall that ys of the southe partie colde and drie malyncoly of complexion
like to the erthe femynyne of kynde.
Libra ys the signe of the balannce Whiche rayneth in the navil
and raynes and in the lowe parties of the Wombe. tho places ben ful parlious to
ventuse? or to cutte when the mone rayneth in tho parties. Who so taketh
sikenes or grete hurte be soden a venture or veyithe ony grete […] in the
forsaid places yt ys full hard to recover but in the ende ys not so parlious
this signe ys move able occidenttall of the West partie hoot and moiste after the
kynde of eyre. Sanguyne of complexion and masculyne in kynde.
Scorpio ys the signe of a serpent whiche rayneth in the prive
membres of onny man and woman in the fonnderment or the bladder and in the
marix [matrix] be ware whan the mone reyneth in tho places from alle
mysgovernaunce and hurts in tho places for said who that to ketch ony sikenes
in the begynnynge […] yt […] ys a token that yt will longe endure [… …] fortell
perell in the ende yt ys a stedfaste signe of the northe partie colde and
moyste flewmatike of complexion and watry in kynde
Sagittarius ys the signe of an archer. Whiche rayneth in the
thies and luddocks of eny man and woman whan the mone ys in that signe be ware
of cuttynge in tho places. he that taketh sikenes or hurtes nygh tho places in
the begynnynge whan that signe rayneth yt ys parlious but it ys not so parlious
in the ende. This signe is dowble bodied hote and drie Colerike of complexion
yt ys oryentall of the Est partie and masculine in kynde.
Capricornus ys the signe of a gote in a welkes horne Whiche
rayneth in the knees of eny man and woman be ware while the mone ys there for
cuttynge or hurtynge of veynes for drede of sikenes this signe ys of perel in
the ende more than in the begynnynge also yt ys unmoveable meridionall that ys
of the southe partie colde and drie like to the Erthe and femynyne of kynde and
malyncoly of complexion.
Aquarius ys the signe of hyldynge or shedynge of water Which
rayneth in the shankes be nethe the knees and in the sparlyver it ys right
parlious to be hurte in tho places or there to take ony sikenes while the mone
rayneth in those places for drede of dethe this signe is stedfaste Occidental
that ys of the weste partie hote and moiste like unto the eire and it ys
sangueyne of complexion.
Pisces ys the signe of a fishe whiche rayneth in the fete of
enny man and woman be ware when the mone rayneth there to lete eny man woman or
childe blood in the fete or to take eny sikenes in that signe yt ys not of
right grete perel thys signe ys dowble bodied of the Northe partie colde and
moiste like unto water flewmatike of complexion and femynyne of kynde.
Aries is the sign
of a ram, which reigns in the head of any man and woman and therefore when the
Moon is in that sign beware of aching in the head, or in the face, or of
opening of any vein that belongs to the head. Also, it is full parlous in the
beginning of Aries to take any headache, it is a token of long enduring or
deep; it is not so parlous in the end as in the beginning, for it is a moveable
sign. Oriental, hot and dry, fiery, choleric of complexion, then take no
medicine for the head nor receive none for the head inwards for of nature they
shall cast them again [perhaps, vomit them]. And so it fares of all those that
chew her cud as Aries, Taurus, Capricorn, and the last part of Sagittarius.
Taurus is a sign
of the bull, which reigns in the neck and the throat of any man and woman. When
the Moon is in that sign beware of venturing [travelling] then it is parlous to
take sickness in the neck and in the throat, and more parlous in the end than
in the beginning. This is a steadfast sign in the south part, cold and dry,
earthly, and feminine in kind that is melancholy of complexion. Then it is time
to sow seeds if that be such time of the year.
Gemini is a sign
of the twins; the sign reigns in the arms and hands of any man and woman. This
sign is occidental that is of the west part and of sanguine complexion, hot and
moist after the kind of air. When the Moon is in that sign then beware of
cutting in the shoulders, arms, and hands, or opening of any veins in those
places. And who that takes any sickness in those places it is hard to escape;
this is more parlous in the end than in the beginning.
Cancer is the sign
of a crab, which reigns in the breast of any man or woman. When the Moon is in
that sign beware of cutting in the breast and in the sides of the stomach, and
of […] as the mylte [spleen], heart, livers and the fall. Who so takes sickness
while the Moon is in that sign it is a marvel that he does not die for it is
right parlous in the beginning and in the end. It is a sign of the north part,
cold and moist after the kind of water, and it is the house of the Moon, and
therefore make in that part no mansions.
Leo is the sign of
a lion, which reigns in the back of any man and woman, in the sides and sinews
[…] and gristles [cartilage]. Be ware when the Moon is in that sign of venturing
for it is then right parlous and more peril in the end than the beginning. It
is a steadfast sign, oriental, hot and dry, choleric, fiery and masculine. It
is not good when the Moon is in that sign to take medicines for the heart,
liver, nor stomach, nor none of the entrails.
Virgo is the sign
of a maid, which reigns in the womb, midriff, and guts, and others while in the
stomach, liver and gall with the spleen, but most principally it reigns in the
place beneath the midriff. Beware then of cutting in the belly or in the privy
members inward. Also it is not so parlous in the end but rather a token of health.
This sign is double bodied, meridional, that is of the south part, cold and
dry, melancholy of complexion like to the earth, feminine of kind.
Libra is the sign
of the balance, which reigns in the naval and kidneys and in the low parts of
the womb. Those place are full parlous to ventuse? [let blood] or to cut when
the Moon reigns in those parts. Whoever takes sickness or great hurt by a
sudden accident or conveys any great […] in the aforesaid places, it is full
hard to recover but in the end is not so parlous. This sign is moveable,
occidental of the west part, hot and moist after the kind of air, sanguine of
complexion and masculine in kind.
Scorpio is the
sign of the serpent, which reigns in the privy members of any man and woman in
the fundament or the bladder and in the matrix.
Be ware when the Moon reigns in those places from all misgovernance and
hurts in those places aforesaid. Who that catches any sickness in the beginning
[…] it […] is a token that it will long endure [… …] foretell peril in the end.
It is a steadfast sign of the north part, cold and moist, phlegmatic of
complexion and watery in kind.
Sagittarius is the
sign of an archer, which reigns in the thighs and buttocks of any man and
woman. When the Moon is in that sign beware of cutting in those places. He that
takes sickness or hurts near thos places in the beginning when that sign reigns
it is parlous, but it is not so parlous in the end. This sign is double bodied,
hot and dry, choleric of complexion, it is oriental of the east part, and
masculine in kind.
Capricorn is the
sign of a goat in a whelk’s horn [the shell of a sea snail], which reigns in
the knees of any man and woman. Beware while the Moon is there foe cutting or
hurting of veins for dread of sickness. This sign is of peril in the end more
than in the beginning, also it is unmoveable [probably an error], meridional
that is of the south part, cold and dry like to the earth, and feminine of kind
and melancholy of complexion.
Aquarius is the
sign of holding or shedding of water, which reigns in the shanks [shins]
beneath the knees and in the sparliver [calf]. It is right parlous to be hurt
in those places or there to take any sickness while the Moon reigns in those
places for dread of death. This sign is steadfast, occidental that is of the
west part, hot and moist like unto air, and it is sanguine of complexion.
Pisces is the sign
of a fish, which reigns in the feet of any man and woman. Beware when the Moon
reigns there to let any many, woman, or child blood in the feet, or to take any
sickness in that sign; it is not of right great peril. This sign is double
bodied, of the north part, cold and moist like unto water, phlegmatic of
complexion and feminine of kind.