Wednesday, 14 June 2023
Here are the details of the next elections course, and the dates for the mentoring sessions, I hope you’ll be able to join me.
Introduction to Traditional Elections
This short course of 4 classes over 4 weeks, offers an introduction to the magical art of elections - choosing the golden moment. We will begin with the theory, rules, method, and mindset; in the next class we will work together through ‘mock’ elections that I will provide; the final two classes will offer you the opportunity of working with your own charts to propose your own ‘mock’ elections - we will work through these together. Full details will be provided nearer the time. This course is intended to show how the process works, but each election is unique, which is why this course is intended as an introduction to that uniqueness.
This course is aimed at those who have some familiarity with traditional astrology, and horary astrology preferably. Otherwise, please contact me initially.
All classes begin at 2.30pm BST:
Saturday 15 July 2023;
Saturday 22 July 2023;
Saturday 29 July 2023;
Saturday 5 August 2023.
Each class will be between 1.5 and 2 hours in length and will be recorded and made available to enrolled students.
The fee is £160.00.
Chart mentoring sessions
All are at 2.30 pm BST:
Sunday 2 July 2023;
Sunday 6 August 2023;
Sunday 3 September 2023;
Sunday 1 October 2023.
Please contact me at and find details of this and my other courses at
Wednesday, 17 May 2023
The Introduction to Traditional Mundane Astrology
The purpose of this course is to introduce you to the fundamentals of this very important facet of astrology. You will learn how to approach the various phenomena and their charts through the conjunctions of 1981 and 2000, and then apply that theory to the 2020 conjunction and its satellite charts; culminating in an examination of the connections with the coronation of Charles III. We shall use the charts of the conjunctions, eclipses, lunations, and ingresses as appropriate to achieve our results. The traditional methods used differ from what you might expect but produce accurate results when properly applied.
All charts are provided along with some study material. This is an advanced course using traditional methods, students should be able to use an ephemeris and handle more than one chart at a time.
The course is of 6 live consecutive weekly classes of 1.5 to 2 hours’ duration, all begin at 2.30pm BST and recordings made available after each class.
- Saturday, 3 June 2023 Class 1: how to judge the Saturn-Jupiter conjunction;
- Saturday, 10 June 2023 Class 2: how to judge eclipses in the mundane context;
- Saturday, 17 June 2023 Class 3: how to judge ingresses in the mundane context;
- Saturday, 24 June to 8 July 2023 Classes 4-6 incl.: applying the theory to the 2020 conjunction and its satellite charts. Finally, an examination of the appropriate royal charts will tell us about the reign of Charles III.
Full details can be found at or contact me .